Walk by faith not by Fear!
There is a five letter word that brings stress and anxiety which can lead to poor health! A hint we are commanded not to walk this path and God does give a way out! FEAR! Let’s define fear… an emotion experienced in anticipation in other words before something bad happens) of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or flight). An anxious feeling (I would like to add to this definition) a loss of control. In this society of constant news, illness, loss and broken relationships it is easy to become fearful. Women in particular battle this emotion; stronghold. These verses are the remedy to fear and…
When God Shows up He Shows off!
God did an amazing thing the weekend of September 28, 2009; it was weekend of reconciliation. My son Brent and daughter-in-love Lyn Rose were married on this day. For me this was a very emotional time in my life; the old saying, “A son is a son until he gains a wife, a daughter is a daughter for all of your life.” I know rings true in many families. Therefore, this was a very emotional weekend and I had been in prayer a great deal as I approached it. My prayers were requests for grace and strength as I said good-bye to my son, whom I had been very close…
The appendectomy that made the Nutcracker extra special!
The Nutcracker has been a central part of our Christmas season for the last 12 years Kara has had varies roles in the Nutcracker. Two roles stand apart from all the rest, Her Clara year and her last year. All the years were special and joy for her family to watch her performances. Steve and I have enjoyed every year as we reminisced during each show about her former roles while at the same time enjoying her new dances. Her sister-in law Lyn Rose and brother Evan have the distinction of attending every year! Lyn Rose first met my son, her husband Brent the first year Kara danced in the Nutcracker. …